Monday, April 23, 2012

Golden Products Presentation

Yesterday, Sunday, April 22nd, a large group of surface designers trouped to my studio to hear a presentation by Golden Products Working Artist Valerie Allen and her able assistant, Karen. Few of the attendees had worked with Golden Products, so for most of us, the information was new and exciting. Besides talking about the products used by acrylic artists and their possible adaptation to fiber, Valerie, shared with us the making of “skins”, printing on them, as well as techniques for printing on aluminum  foil. And while I was lamenting that aluminum foil only comes in silver. Someone piped up that it comes in other metallic colors. Buy it in scrap booking stores or in a bakery supply store. Apparently the bakery product is crinkled. 
The Golden metallics are amazing! They come in a wide range of colors and are brilliant. There is even one with tiny particles of stainless steel. The interference paints were also stunning. When painted on a black ground, they shimmer and you see two colors, similar to silks with different colors of warp and weft. 
Valerie left us with our heads spinning and new ideas and product possibilities. She packed her presentation with so much information that it was a good thing that she left us with a big packet of written information and color charts. I look forward to lots of experimentation and some new techniques. 

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